Friday, May 29, 2009

Bad Example

FIRST he double parks right in front of the eatery so that it is ultra convenient for his whole load of passengers to just walk two steps to reach the targeted eatery. There are about 10 of them..about 4 adults and may be 6 kids.

NEXT...the kids got restless after finishing their food and drinks plus it was getting abit sunny and hot. Kids being kids..they requested for the car air condition to be turned on so that they can play in the car comfortably.

Guess what...?

He actually agreed. Turned on the engine and air conditioning..left the car idling in the midst of the hot sun..with the kids playing in it while the adults continued to chit chat for another 15-20 mins or so.

He looks about between 30 to 40 yrs old. Educated. Affluent.


Haven't heard of being environmental friendly ah? Setting such bad examples to kids!
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