Friday, May 29, 2009

A Life is a Life regardless

Source: The Star
At least two Indonesian workers were killed when the old Jaya Supermarket building collapsed on Thursday evening, yesterday. I saw the commotion when I was on the way to the gym..but didn't know what was it all about. When I left about an hour later, there were ambulances and rescue units blasting their way from all directions towards the site. I had a stupid and extremely heartless thought when I heard the news. So heartless that I am rather ashamed to talk about it.

A human life is a human life regardless of whether they are Indoneseian, Bangladesh, Malay, Chinese or Indian. Those who died in the incident are also dear sons, husbands or fathers to their respective families. They came here to work hoping to provide a better future for their loved ones.

How can I even have the thought?
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1 comment:

  1. Yes they came here to earn a living and yet due to some irresponsible contractors, their lives are being taken away.

    God bless their souls
