Monday, October 13, 2008

Body Combat vs. Tai Chi

WK's comments on my 'Mad Driver' entry prompted me to have a quick write on this topic. At this juncture, I'm not sure how exactly I am going about this. Let me have a try...will delete if the end result is rubbish.

Well, I realised that I tend to be a more impatient these days. As WK puts it..blood seems to be boiling faster than usual. I felt so bad yesterday..for slamming the washing machine so hard all because my dad was nagging behind my back while I was doing the laundry. I AM SORRY!

I've been wondering if I've been confusing myself mentally by juggling the two activities. Tai chi is serious & slow and requires alot of calmness and concentration while Body Combat gets the adrenalin pumping and is physically demanding & loads of fun. My 'schedule' as follows:

  • monday - TC
  • tuesday - BC
  • wednesday - REST
  • thursday - BC then TC
  • friday - REST (sometimes go BC if I have absolutely nothing to do)
  • saturday - free n easy (can be anything - from doing nothing to badminton to eating or to the gym)
  • sunday - TC then BC

I admit that I enjoy BC more than TC...after all I am still young ma. Of course, I'd prefer something that is fast and furious. As I've said many times....TC is a long term investment that I hope to see some 'returns' in 5-10 years time. Hence, it will naturally require some discipline and sacrifices along the way.

Now..did I get you all confused with all this BC and TC mentions.... there any scientific write up to prove that mixing the two can affect mental 'stability' ah? If you come across share with me :)

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  1. No expert here, but I think the two can co-exist lah. But you might wanna consider doing TC last on the days that you have both BC and TC, it's a good way to wind down your day.
    As for the blood-boiling fast part, i think you are just trying to make BC-TC your scapegoat, haha. They have no relationship lah. Just count to 10 the next time before you let your steam out :)

  2. I have to agree with Maggie here. When you're doing BC you're pumping yourself up and expending energy. When you're practicing TC you'll be more meditative over time. The thing is both of these will only help you cope, they don't deal with any underlying issues. Try to laugh a little more and get away from what's bothering you. Hint: It's probably not your father.
