Saturday, October 04, 2008

Day 4

Had a quick brunch of roti telur..

Went for a haircut..

Visited ESH, Carrefour & Jusco to check out models & prices of ceiling fans.

Decided that I will go for this. Found out that those higher end models with 5 blades that looks more contemporary (with remote control) are heavier because of the built-in motor hence there is a limitation on speed. On the other hand, this basic 3-blade model has up to 5-speed. Hence, although with only 3-blade..the breeze will not be less. Will check out a few more stores..just to be safe.

Was dead tired by the time I left Jusco. Was planning to get home and spend some time trimming the dog's hair. Upon reaching home..just when I was about to conclude that Day 4 is just like a normal Saturday since the 'holiday' is coming to an end....I heard this sound..coming from the car :


Not again??? Tyre puncture? Quickly took a toilet break and rushed to the tyre shop. It wasn't the tyre after's the radiator hose..sudah pecah (leaking). @#$%*&@ not again...I thought I will have to lose a couple of hundreds on this banana Kia again..luckily the mechanic says it's gonna be quite cheap (hopefully less than $50 la). Soon, it started raining cats and dogs. The mechanic was kind enough to send me home first instead of me waiting at the stuffy and wet workshop.

There you day 4.

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  1. I had a 5-blade fan and it wasn't breeze either. Stick with the 3-blade - cheaper and more practical.

  2. banana kia.. it funny... :D
