Monday, October 27, 2008

Dog Grooming DIY

Yes..I've been a blog junkie lately ... but besides blogging I've actually done some therapeutic stuff today. The day started with me bathing phoebe (the dog) and a little of cleaning around the house. Had brunch with sis and dad then made a quick stop at One U since she had to do some quick shopping, there was a halloween road show at the concourse area..and my closest family members here conveniently made me queue up with kids to get them a free cotton candy (duh..!) - advantages/disadvantages for being the youngest in the family.

Secondly, I've mentioned before that I would like to pick up pet grooming someday. You'd probably noticed that I have a soft spot for animals. I dream of being able to work with animals one day..preferably as an NGO if possible. On the other hand, pet grooming is a skill I would like to have as a hobby or better still as an income generator :p.

A quick check from House of Groomer website -- A General Practitioner Groomer Course for 13 weeks costs RM8,000.00!!!!

Not willing to spend that kind of money yet..hence, I have Phoebe dog to give me unlimited free practices. Poor Phoebe..she freaks out whenever I pick up that pair of scissors.

Before vs. After

How? Can ah? Got diff or not?

A professional Kit vs. my 'pariah' kit

It can be quite therapeutic, really, snipping away all those hair. The end result - I'd like to think that the dog feels better and lighter after shedding off all those hair and me --- I now have a backache (due to prolong squatting and bending) and also headache (probably from the evening heat)!

P/s: Had to skip Geetha's open house. Tired la..need to re-charge prepare for the week.
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  1. can see the diff bewteen the utensils, but can't see real diff in phoebe wor.. poor phoebe

  2. poor phoebe??
    what about me..I hv headache and backache becos of her ler...

  3. u earn so much money, bring phoebe for a proper grooming la.. apasal get headache / backache for this ler.... :p
