Tuesday, December 23, 2008

BC 38 launch @ TF Hartamas

Last night I attended the launch of the 38th Body Combat quarterly release @ True Fitness Hartamas. Les Mills releases new tracklists & choreography for all their GX Programs every three months, Body Combat is the only program I indulge in.

..Body Balance - a mixture of yoga, tai ci, etc...tried once long time ago...may go again..when I need a stretch or when I need a change to something slow and relaxing

..Body Jam - *ha* don't think I will ever try this as I am convinced that I am tone deaf . No sense of rhythm at all and definitely a Kayu.

..Body Pump - never tried. not attracted to it yet.

..RPM - tried once, nearly died but it may be a better alternative to rest the knees. will pick it up soon.

..Body Step - seems difficult for me..since I'd oso think I have terrible sense of co-ordination :D

..others are ..Body Vive, Body Attack - no interest yet.

This is the second launch experience for me ever since I discovered BC in July this year. I shall not comment on technics and skills or the track list like most fitness blog enthusiast do...I just wanna blog this down since I enjoyed it a whole lot even though I only had only about a 2x2 ft space execute the punches and kicks. Each time I turn back to the front after a back kick.. I see a someone's foot in MY Face o_o And then ...out of the blue...a shoe of the guy next to me went flying in the air *GASP* To prevent myself from bursting into laughter, I quickly switched my attention back to catching up with the energetic instructors on stage.

Overall..it was a great event. The launch team was energetic as always, well prepared technically and in special costumes (Back to School Theme...I wonder if other fitness centres does this (the costumes I mean). Well done TF team!

Ok ok..my two cents worth of thought about the new choreography and tracks...ermm..challenging to some extend..can be punishing to the knees at some point. Lotsa front kick back kick front kick back kick..esquiva is also back..combine with front kick pulak..by the end you don't know where your legs are oridi! Songs wise - don't have any particular favourites at the moment.

Lastly...all participants were given this 'certificate' upon exit. We were suppose to collect each from all the other programs launch to get a free goody bag ....I think. I am sure it will end up collecting dust and into the dustbin in a month time..so why not I put a digital copy Here :

Oh ya..HERE are some beautiful pictures and video - a blog of one of the intructors I stumbled upon when I was looking up about the sport quite sometime back.

P/S: As I am writing this...the gals and I decided to have a NY eve do at my empty abandoned new house :0 Was thinking about doing it this morning..just for fun and to add some spice to the ending 2008..although it may mean...everyone sitting on the floor...drunk on the floor...eating with fingers...and..some hard work for me ...in planning..something that I am never good at:

..who's coming
..what eating..
..chairs n tables..
..cups n saucers
..what drinking
..clean the hosue pre and post..(the house is really EMPTY and UNUSED)

....thats about it? quite easy ma..

Best Blog Tips


  1. Old man will definately miss me if he's "invited" to your party!! I'm the So Hxx.....who doesnt know how to start the fire!!


  2. omg..i cant believe u stil rem tat..ya..u so hxx! :DDD

  3. I am really looking forward to hvg NYE dinner in an empty house :).......going to be a very unforgetable experience ;)
