Sunday, December 14, 2008

Year end luck?

Why are all these things happening to me? Year end bad luck?

I came back to the office today to clear some back log....(so did my colleague)...and guess what..all of a sudden the magnetic door system stopped functioning. For a while, I thought I will be stay locked in the place for the night or will need the firemen to come rescue us. At circumstances like this, my mind works best and fastest and calmest.

The door should need electricity to work. Logically, if I shut down the power..we should be able to get out. But..which switch shall I shut off. Last resort is to shut down the entire power system..but I decided to call the supplier first.

Don't ask me what the other colleague was doing throughout the 'ordeal' -_-

My guess was right - the supplier said that there should be a switch in the electircal box to cut out the power to the door. Once it's shut off, we should be able to get out.

Well..the electrical box is like half a meter above my head...and there are like 2 dozens little switches in it! But..there is this other unique looking switch (looks like any other light switch box) located right on top of the box. Ya..even higher up. So...Miss MacGyver here had to climb up a step ladder to reach it.

With my eyes half close...I switch it off and...VOILA! The door is free!

ONCE AGAIN, don't ask me what the other colleague was doing throughout ...
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  1. Hahaha I am more interested in 'Who' is your other colleague ;).

    I think you need to go and take bath with pomelo get rid of the bad chi

  2. strange enough.. the office's automatic door is also spoiled today.. some UFO hoovering on Msian sky over the weekend? with very strong magnetic field... :D
