Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Busy still

UPDATED @ 12.43pm
Taking my little lunch break again. Sigh..been such a long time since I went out for a nice lunch. Been rotating on whatever I can find in the mall...one and only mamak rice, one and only mixed rice, McD, one and only chic rice. Sounds like such good variety? Ya..may be I shouldn't complain too much - GRATITUDE! Having chic rice today....it's quite tasty actually. Paid more for a drumstick..and the rice is piping hot. What more can I ask for - TQ! Yesterday's lunch was McChicken. Ended up having instant noodle for dinner cos' I was home late and didn't call in advance - no one left food for me :( So..kiasu me today...gotta down some 'real' food. Took chicken essence in the morning too :D hehe...so kiasi. I am just not the type who can go on without proper meals. Need to make sure I am sufficiently fueled ma....to finish off this never ending 'marathon' and also to make sure I can last to go for my hobby activities at night. But..still not feeling too good tho..one of those 'didn't sleep well night', stomach not feeling too good ..may due be too much coffee...or whatever. Nvm...nothing major. Can ignore.
ok..rice habis..back to work.
Horoscope For the Day (SPOT ON AGAIN!)
You may find it harder than usual to wake up this morning, WSL, as your energy may be flagging.
Personal or professional pressures might bring up feelings of futility, but don't fall into this trap.
In spite of your momentary lethargy, everything on the horizon looks far better than it seems - primarily because of your own hard work.
Retire early tonight; tomorrow you'll feel more energetic.
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