Friday, November 21, 2008

Lights Up

Ok mysterious task today is to get someone to put up the lights (& fans) in the new house :) Couldn't finish everything though..will continue tomorrow.

My favourite - dining lights.

Cheap cheap Ikea lights by the staircase and the practical 3-blade KDK fan

And...these prove how long I have abandoned the house!
So tired la...although I'm not the one doing the main labourous work. My tasks were basically running (driving) around transferring the fans and lights to from one house to the other house. Making trips to the light shop to get additional bulbs and other related items. I'm beat!
Oh ya..i also managed to finalised the kitchen cabinet details with the contractor. The ball's on my end now to issue the 1st 40% payment and work will roll. Gotta find money!

In between..went to the bank too to collect this mega sized check book. Look at the SIZE and the ugly cover. The bank told me that they have a new designed sized check book for collection..I was expecting a contemporary looking book. Look at what I have to carry with me for life - un-cool.
P/S: Aunt called. Cousin's father in-law passed away in the afternoon. Relatives of the groom decided to carry on with the wedding function. Funeral will be after. Sigh.

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1 comment:

  1. Finally, some progress!!! Good on you gal :). Keep it up and make sure the grass don't grow any longer. Otherwise you will not be able to move into ur new house.

    I am LOOKING FORWARD to your house warming invitation already :)
