Monday, November 17, 2008

Yvonne Foong

I just made a small personal contribution to Yvonne Foong - an amazing gal I read about quite some years back. I meant to make some donation then but didn't get around to do any except for buying a t-shirt from one of her self initiated charity drive (which is still on-going). Over the years, I lapsed in keeping in touch with her progress. Her site may seem like just like any other blog written by other youngsters so one tend to forget about her real needs. Read will realise what a special young lady Yvonne is --reading about things that she does to live life..will put many of us to shame.

I still keep the link to her page in my blog roll though. Was feeling a little depressed about the trip not happening...went bumming around the net to distract myself. Happened to click into her site just now..and realised that she's going for another surgery..this time to correct her deteriorating vision. The last time I checked, last year (I think) she was at another surgery to correct her hearing. Now..I feel like a bum for complaining so much.

Yvonne is fighting Neurofibromatosis. I shall not attempt to explain her condition...I can't even spell the the name of the disease without reference. Here's a small caption from her bio-page:

Diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis Type 2. (July 2002)

August 2002 - Multiple spine tumor removal
April 2003 - Partial Acoustic Neuroma removal - Brain.
September 2004 - Complete Acoustic Neuroma removal - Brain.
October 2006 - Complete Acoustic Neuroma removal - Brain.

1. Optic Gliomas causing nerve atrophy.
2. Under-development of left eyeball and retina, causing small optic nerve.
3. Semi facial palsy.
4. Jugular Foramen Meningioma.
5. Multiple brain tumors.
6. Multiple tumors along cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
7. Multiple peripheral schwannomas.
8. Absence of VIII cranial nerves - the vestibulocochlear nerves.
9. Presence of the Auditory Brainstem Implant to assist hearing.

Due to the nature of the disease (which is incurable), Yvonne is in constant need of medical funds. If you are feeling charitable today, tomorrow, next week, anyday...think of Yvonne:

Details for donations:
Maybank A/C no. 112223202599
Name: Foong Ming Niang
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1 comment:

  1. i wonder why no one comment on this entry... i would contribute some, not donate, but rather to ease the burden a lil... a lil caring, perhaps, for a person who constantly need to 'fight'.
