Friday, November 07, 2008

Writer's Block


Writer's block today....had to click on the news pages to get some inspiration...and voila!
Finally..something worth noting in the news...Court frees Raja Petra...I like this part the most...The judge ruled that the Home Minister had acted outside his jurisdiction when he issued the two-year detention order under Section 8(1) of the ISA...THE STAR
This is even better...The Shah Alam High Court this morning ruled that the detention of well-known blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin under the ISA was illegal and ordered his immediate release...MALAYSIA KINI

Check this out too...TYPICAL OF M'SIAN MINISTERS' WAY OF TAI CI-ING: Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said yesterday the written reply he had made to a question in Parliament that the police beat base in Lorong Haji Taib had been closed for security reasons was "not accurate and clear".
The home minister said the reason the beat base was closed was because the owner of the land wanted it back, and not for security and health reasons...

(RECAP: On Oct 17, It was reported in the news that ....Syed Hamid said in his written reply to Titiwangsa member of parliament Dr Lo' Lo' Mohamad Ghazali, that the Lorong Haji Taib beat base had to be closed as the police found the location no longer suitable or safe for the police personnel on duty)

Okie la..enough crap. Have a good weekend everyone!
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  1. There are so many many contradicting statements being made by some ppl.....interesting isn't it!
