Thursday, November 06, 2008

Slightly Idling

Ehmm...I have some idle time now but unfortunately I don't have anything interesting to talk about *frown*. My desk is still in a Aftermath mess and I still have problems loading that photo of it from the phone *mad*. I'm not a very organised person, in my first few years working as a junior executive, my bosses used to complain that they can't find files from my desk. I still get that comment once in a while many years later :) My colleagues in the A company used to debate in the evening about whether I had left or still in the office..cos my desk (without me) will have work documents and diary (wide open) lying around. Not a very good habit..I've improved over the years. It does feel good to have a clear desk - unclutter your mind. So..I shall clear it after this.

What else???

The world has been ecstatic about Obama's victory. I personally don't think the victory will have any effect on M'sia although some quarters claimed that he has distant relatives in the East M'sia - big deal! It is possible for anyone from a minority group to be a nation’s leader, even in Malaysia, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi - YA RITE!!!

I've been ignoring the current local political scene...actually haven't been paying attention to alot of things happening around the world - very ignorant. UMNO, MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, PKR, RPK, ANWAR, the world's financial crisis, the stock markets..etc etc. The local political a waste of time to keep track..everyone is just beating around the bush - no substance. The financial crisis should be a worry. I have some investments in UT but I haven't been keeping track for months. In denial o_O

Personal matters...nothing much happening. Been noted in many of my previous entries..will be busy again soon. Hoping to have a short holiday sometime somewhere...but where / when?? Am also toying with the idea of challenging myself to get at least the kitchen of my abandoned new house done up - so that I can have a small 'do' to warm up the place on NY's eve? Still toying.

Oh's year end! Things to do?

  • Medical check up due
  • Christmas is coming...! Time to scout around for presents for the kids. Argh! Headache!

That's about it for today..unless I think of something else...signing off! Ciao.

UPDATE @12.29pm
Just did a check on my so called investment portfolio. The last time I checked was September before the major downfall. Not looking good. Very bad! bad! bad! Totally depressing!
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  1. Hey hey, please, get the kitchen up and running!! Would love to have a small party in your new home ler.

  2. I 100% support what mag :). It's abt time you really do up your house.......maybe shld make it ur 2009 RESOLUTION :)

  3. liew! wat r u doing online when u r suppose to be holidaying in Aussie?

  4. WSL I came back to Bolehland oredi. Even went to work on Friday
