Thursday, March 26, 2009


Am in a 'wisdom' mode today. May be triggered by the 'aroma' of Dior's Jadore + Milk Coffee from my stained blouse/chest. Haa..

I adviced Jane to detach herself from her work obstacles so that there will be less frustrations. On a personal front..I've been detaching a lot...may be a bit too much at times. What exactly do we understand about Detachment?

I just did a quick google. There are loads of different p.o.v and articles coming from different angles of life -- love, relationships, work, business..etc. I don't blog for a living so..I don't have the whole day to search for the best article :) Picked out two which should be pretty relevant:

Article #1 from

Some interesting excerpts:

...According to Motivational Humorist Jeff Justice, the ability to take your job seriously and yourself lightly goes a long way in the battle against stress.

..The idea is to laugh about a situation while it’s happening – it keeps oxygen going to the brain and keeps a person thinking more clearly. But one has to be careful, because sometimes laughter has to occur internally.

..Justice’s approach for using humor to combat stress is imagining the stressful situation at it’s absolute worse. When you take the situation on a mental journey to the point where it becomes absurd, it then can become funny (it also makes the present situation not seem quite as bad!).

..It’s kind of like what Bill Cosby says: “If you can laugh at it, you can survive it.” And also remember what Jeff Justice tells us: “He who laughs - lasts!”

Article # 2 from

...Anything we attach ourselves to, by identification, is separate from our real self; it is either a useful tool, or an attached illusion. The real treasures of life are revealed only as we empty ourselves of the useless baubles we've acquired. What are these baubles? They can be anything-physical, emotional, or mental-that weigh us down and holds us back.

....For example, that high priced car that flatters the ego but wastes the wallet; that relationship that seemed so good but now is so draining; the opinion or belief that seemed so right and gave us stability, now has so many holes that we're constantly patching it up or trying to defend it. We refuse to part with these burdens because they seem so familiar, we worked hard to get them, and without them there would be a void.

....just reflect on how good it feels to finally decide, then remove, what has been weighing you down. How good does it feel to clear the clutter of stuff from the garage or attic? How good does it feel to end a faulty relationship and move on? How good does it feel when you drop a frozen attitude like, "I have to do what others want me to, regardless of what I want or desire, to keep their approval." You have your answer-and it is detachment.

In conclusion...?
When faced with a problem...apply a detached overview (one of Edward De Bono's Six Thinking Hats Method)..detach yourself from the problem. Shake it off..and think as an outsider, out of the box? Ask..what's the worse than can happen?

If you feel trapped in the rat race...drop that desire, perception, urge, need to be (..fill in the blank...)

Am I making any sense, I wonder...
Well, I can tell you for sure that milk coffee has a stronger aroma then Jadore!
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