Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter - Part 2

After posting the Easter photos..I was questioned.

A: What has your mou mou kou kou (i.e. cats n dogs) have to do with Easter?
ME: Bunnies = Easter
A: Oh...didn't notice the bunnies --haha

B: Why you post so many 'living things' for Easter post?
ME: *faint* -- why another similar query?? Don't they see the bunnies?
(I cut n pasted the MSN conversation with A over to B's window)

B: Oh...didn't see the bunnies-- heheh
ME: *faint x2*

B: come no eggs? Easter suppose to have eggs...bla bla bla

What about about the rest of you? Did you notice the bunnies?
Best Blog Tips

1 comment:

  1. i spotted bunnies on 4th pic only.. now that u mentioned.. oh.. all got bunnies ah? was having the same qn also.. :p (er.. pic 2 got bunny meh)
