Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Virtual Age

This is quite fun.
Go to this site --
Complete the 34 steps and check out what's your Virtual Age vs. your Biological Age.
Note: Our Virtual Age is relative to our lifestyle, activities and health.
Here's my result!

BY THE WAY....I have lived 13,123 DAYS! and....I have to live another 17,900 DAYS! *tired*
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  1. OMG .. I did the test and the result shows that I am 2.7 years older than my biological age, which I translate it to I may die earlier ... so you guys better treat me real good =P

  2. LOL!!!classic example la you. r u sure u answered correctly?

  3. yeah .. 2.7 years older wor .. of course I double and tripple check lah!

  4. 2.7 yrs!! I was half asleep last night..thot only 1.5 yrs.
    Man..may be u shud take the test again..may be u 'misunderstood' the scales ler..their scales are quite confusing u knw ;p

  5. Hey, u not the only young one ... my virtual age .. 27.1 but shorter life than you, 17100 more days to live .. :)
