Saturday, April 11, 2009

I played Futsal today

Futsal was suppose to be at 1030am.
But this morning turned out to be one of those mornings when I wish to stay in bed forever. I couldn't even get myself to move nor reach out to look at the to wake up. It's probably the body's only way of telling me that it welcomes the rest after all the physical and (probably mental) abuse. It was heaven..snuggling in bed on a Saturday..non working day. Good things don't last...I jumped up the moment I remembered that I haven't inform Fidah about the change in time from 10 to 1030am. It was already 945am. Goodness.

By the time I was done with feeding the dogs, put out the laundry and was already 1020am. There were a few missed call and sms-es when I came out of shower.

Rita's sms : Amoi where r u
Fairoz's sms: Apasal tak jawab fone ni??

I called to apologise and dashed out of the house. And guess what next...?
I could not start the car! I immediately assumed that the batt has gone flat.

So..I called Fairoz again to tell her about the latest development..told her I will try to make it at least for lunch and I will still pay my share for the court (Futsal court is not cheap).

Of all things..Fairoz's response was...."...but you must come no matter what..because I want to introduce you to my friend!" *LOL*

Guilt guilt guilt. That's all I felt. Already we were short of players.''(only 5 of us ..but a good game will need at least 6 on each team)...already I was such an idiot for being late..and now..I might even not make it. While waiting for the mechanic....I remembered a hilarious and yet relevant entry from nicolekiss I felt sat in the car sending SORRY sms-es to pass time. Then I turned on the music for could there be music when the batt is Flat??!

hahaha...the batt wasn't flat after all. The car did not start because I forgot remote lock the car last night -- due to some security settings the car doesn't until I reset the remote. Hehe..what an idiot I was.

And so..I made it to the game after all. Was there by about 11am...I think.

Sigh...long story about how I woke up late bla bla bla..took up half of the posting. How was the game? I haven't played futsal before this but I think I did pretty well with ball kicking. Must be all the practice that I had when I was playing with my brother when we were young. was fun. Different kind of fun unlike badminton or BC/RPM at the gym where we stay put in a place most of the time. It's fun to be on the run...moving about..interacting..pulling hands, shirts, kicking feet instead of ball...hence...SWEAT! I think we ran more chasing after the ball then kicking the ball. I learnt fast a ball can roll :D Breathless!

Ermm..well...we didn't manage to play a proper game..(not that we know how to..)..cos there were too few of us. The effective Organiser (Fairoz) is determined to have another fuller session next time.

Will see. Anyone interested to join. We need players. At least 5-6 more. Girls and guys (who doesn't mind playing with a bunch of girls who knows nuts about kicking a ball) are welcome.

Oh..big TQ to our cute 'coach'. TQ for bearing with us.

Forgot to mention that..ball kicking (or feet kicking) is quite rough on the ankles though. I asked Steven (our 'coach') many times..if the ankle will snap ...the impact can be quite strong. I think it should be bearable for the time being since none of us are very strong. I didn't even tape the ankle..only put on the guard which may not be strong enough. It's a bit sore now.

I dropped by the clinic later on to get another roll of tape. The doc asked if I still play badminton, I told him..I may be moving on to futsal *grin*....he said --"oh..expect more injuries then.."

Oh ya..we were at Coffee Ritual again...since the main request was 'somewhere cooling with air condition"..Coffee Ritual is the only place I can think of..and it is so close by and I think I can declare now that I am officially addicted to their coffee. I had latte today..I shall declare that it can very well be as good if not better than Starbucks'. Well done.
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  1. Hahaha..........mmmm another new 'love' coming soon :). Yep futsal is fun, have played the game a few times when I was working in Danone. That time we were practicing for Danone World Cup :)

  2. LIew--pls jin us in our nmex session. we need 'experience' world cup players like you :D
